Friday, December 18, 2009

Vancouver city managers agree to delay pay increase

CityCaucus.Com Dec. 18

While all the unionized employees represented by CUPE are scheduled to get a 4% pay increase on January 1st, Vancouver's city managers are apparently ready to help do their part to balance the budget. In a report posted on the City's website, staff indicate that managers will forgo a portion of their pay increase:

THAT Council approve the recommendation of the Corporate Management Team to change the planned January 1, 2010 salary increase of 4% for exempt staff to a 2% increase commencing January 1, 2010 followed by the remaining 2% increase on July 1, 2010. Council will request that the Library and Police Boards consider this same recommendation for their exempt staff, and that their budgets, the Park Board budget and the City departmental budgets be adjusted accordingly with the savings allocated to Contingency Reserve.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is no biggie for the fat cats. 9 months down the line they'll get Council to pay for a salary review by one of their buddies, and make sure they get it all back, plus extra.