Monday, July 12, 2010

Microphone on as Gregor Robertson swears over speakers after meeting

Jeff Lee, Vancouver Sun July 12, 2010 10:50 AM

Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson ran afoul of technology last week, forgetting that his microphone was still on while swearing and criticizing speakers who wanted to determine the makeup of a West End community advisory committee. After the meeting, Robertson and several councillors are heard to disparage the speakers, with the mayor asking "who are all these f**cking . . . hacks, man? Are they NPA (Non-Partisan Association) hacks?" His comments, and those of fellow Vision Vancouver councillors Tim Stevenson and Heather Deal, who are also heard to disparage some of the speakers, was posted to YouTube this morning by members of the West End Neighbors, who oppose the city's controversial Short Term Incentives for Rental Housing (STIR) program, which council enacted in July, 2009 to help create more rental housing in the West End. The feed, originally posted automatically to the city's website, remained unchanged until sometime on the weekend. The offending parts were later cut out but numerous unadulterated copies were downloaded by people on Friday and Saturday. The mayor's use of unparliamentary language was sparked after listening to a number of residents who appeared at a committee meeting last Thursday where they objected to council's plan to hand-select 12 people for an advisory committee that would work with developers to ensure the city's housing plans for the area are met. The STIR proposal has run into opposition from a number of people who believe it offers huge benefits to developers who will get incentives and bylaw relaxations in order to build rental housing. A group calling itself West End Neighbors is tracking at least five sites where existing historic rental housing would be replaced with market-rate condominiums and another dozen or more sites are apparently under consideration by developers. Robertson and fellow Vision Vancouver councillors Heather Deal and Tim Stevenson apparently didn't realize that a public audio system attached to the broadcast video feed was left on after the council approved its motions to hand-pick the advisory committee, which will start work in September.

Vancouver mayor caught in Gordon Brown moment

Vancouver’s all-green, bike-riding mayor has been caught on tape slagging local residents who came out to speak at city hall, using off-colour language and questioning their political alliances.Mayor Gregor Robertson issued an apology late Monday morning, saying his comments were inappropriate and disrespectful, but the West End residents’ group that was the target of the remarks was unappeased.

1 comment:

Kalwest said...

I guess the Left Wing Liberal Pinko's in Vancouver never learned that a closed mouth gathers no feet.