Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New cop shop nearly complete

If all goes well, the new Public Safety Building in West Kelowna will be complete in August and ready for occupation in September. West Kelowna Council received what should be the last status report concerning the on-again, off-again $8.4 million RCMP building Tuesday. Director of Building and Regulator Services, Dave Slobodan, says there is about seven weeks of work remaining. "It's going to be a tight push but the thing to realize is if everything goes well building completion will be the first week in August and equipment commissioning and flushing out five to seven days," says Slobodan. "That's regarding the LEED certification. The contractor has to be able to ensure they meet the LEED standards. They have to push air through the building and if it doesn't get done they have to redo it." Slobodan says on the exterior the windows, brick and stonework is in while inside, drywall and painting is all complete. He says flooring, electric and plumbing will all be going in shortly.

Slobodan says the existing RCMP building does have an extra month lease just in case they need a few additional days to prepare the new building. "This has proceeded really, really well. As they say, on time and on budget with a minimal number of change orders," says Mayor Doug Findlater. "Having spent much of the last couple of days with members of the RCMP, they are very excited about this building and the changes it will bring in policing to our community. They also were very positive that council made a good call in late 2008 in postponing the project for better pricing." Findlater admits the RCMP were not happy about the delay at the time but says they now agree it was the right call.

In September of 2008, Council put construction of the building on hold when costs rose from $8.2 million to $9.45 million. The project was re-tendered in November of 2008 and the contract awarded to Maple Reinders in May of last year. The new two storey, 19,000 square foot building will replace the current 2,000 RCMP detachment.
Don Quixote Note:
$8.4 million for 19000 sq ft = $442.10 per sq. ft. (2 story building)


Kalwest said...

The $442.10 per sq. ft. cost is quite significant when compared to the estimated cost of the Vernon City complex of $1000.00 per sq. ft. that was turned down.

Thank goodness the public in Vernon signed the petition to prevent same.

Anonymous said...

We wonder if it would be cheaper just to build them a Tim Hortons they can work out of....

VernonResident said...

Nevermind the per square foot cost of a fictional building that was voted down, what about the per square foot cost of that recent City Hall addition, also known as the Spirit Square upgrade?