Peter McIntyre Wednesday, 14 July 2010 17:14 107.5 KISSFM
A visit to Vernon is planned by Premier Gordon Campbell. His staff says Campbell is on his summer tour of BC communities and will be meeting with local officials Thursday. He won't make any funding announcements, but will answer questions from local media for about ten minutes at the Sparkling Hill Resort in the morning.
Why at the Sparkling Hill Resort? Could he not find a place that us commoners can also visit? Not many up there are voters! Mr Premier, come down to earth!
of course he could not...after all, he knows better than us!
If everyone that is against the HST, then what services are they prepared to cut to offset cuts in tax revenue?
Let's start with holding media events at less expensive venues. Continue with eliminating the campaign to push the HST. I'm sure you can think of a couple of others.
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