Written by Peter McIntyre Thursday, 15 July 2010 15:19 107.5 KISSFM

BC's Premier says the province won't force a new prison on Lumby---if the residents don't want it. That was one of the issues discussed with Gordon Campbell in a meeting today at the Sparkling Hill Resort with 20 community leaders from the North Okanagan. Campbell told the media, "I think it's entirely up to the people in Lumby. I think what they're doing is smart, they're going out and talking with people, they're laying out the information for people, and they'll decide if they want to have one or not. It isn't something we will impose." Campbell says there is a need for a new correctional facility in the Interior, adding Lumby is a possible site, but no timeline has been set. "If people want to work with us and they think it's a good addition to their community, it's certainly something we will work with them on." Lumby Mayor Kevin Acton --who met with Campbell--says the village has decided to continue planning for a prison, but needs some guarantees from the province. "So until we have some of that stuff worked out, which would mean the provincial government putting a business case together for Lumby being a site for a correctional facility, the only thing we've made a decision on is to keep pushing forward, trying to get that information, but council is 100 percent behind it."Acton says the village would consider holding a referendum if the community remains divided on the issue.
The other main issue discussed with the Premier was the closed-down C-P rail line between Armstrong and Sicamous, and the impact that's having on business. Vernon Monashee MLA Eric Foster says efforts to re-open the line are ongoing. "There's been a fairly substantial economic impact study done on the rail line, and the benefits of keeping it and enhancing it, and I'm meeting on that with (Kevin Poole, Vernon's Ec-Dev Manager) next week, and so the Premier was really interested in having a copy of that." Vernon mayor Wayne Lippert the issue is starting to get more government attention and support, as they try to get C-P to sell the line for a reasonable price.
Premier Gordon Campbell poses with from left MLA Eric Foster, Lumby Mayor Kevin Acton and Vernon Mayor Wayne Lippert at Sparkling Hill Resort (P.McIntyre)
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