Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Council To Work On 4.3% Budget

Four-point-three percent. That's the tax increase Vernon staff say would be needed to fund current levels of city expenditures.  Councillor Bob Spiers would like to see that lowered as the elected reps begin two days of budget talks Thursday. "To get it beyond 4.3 just depends on whether we accept all of the recommendations to get it down, and whether there's a heck of lot more to do. I'm hopeful we can find other things to cut." Mayor Rob Sawatzky says he would like to see no tax hike this year, but that will be difficult.  "The game plan always has been to try to keep the budget to at most a cost of living increase (2.8 %) but we'll have to see. There's realities you have to work with.There are obligations  from contracts." Finance manager Kevin Bertles says ways to boost city revenues could include raising parking rates and business fees, while cuts could include getting rid of some grant programs, and eliminating the subsidy to the O'Keefe Ranch. The city faces 440-thousand dollars in extra wage costs, including for CUPE workers, firefighters and management.

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