Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Gallery Vertigo Seeks More Funding

Gallery Vertigo is asking the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee for up to 30-thousand dollars funding this year.  That's up from the 15 thousand granted last year. Executive director Heidi Maddess says their facility for up and coming artists is deserving of government support, noting its different from the Venron Public Art Gallery which already gets ongoing funding from RDNO. Coldstream director Jim Garlick feels it's time to make arts and culture a specific service in the regional district. "So that proper attention is paid to that service, because what's happened in the past is it's been grouped with parks which encompasses large facilities, green spaces, sports facilities, our performing arts centre, and the art gallery and others, and I think we need to decide to put sports and recreation in one service, and arts and culture in another." The gallery's request will be discussed at a special meeting of GVAC January 26th.

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