Friday, January 13, 2012

Kelowna council asked to scrap its advisory planning commission

Kelowna city council will be asked to officially axe its advisory planning commission, it's housing committee and its women and community advisory committees on Monday.  Just over a month after Mayor Walter Gray, in his inaugural speech, announced all 14 city committees would be reviewed to determine their usefulness, city staff have recommended  the three committees be cut and new terms of reference be established for the rest. There is currently as review of the city's pubic art policy underway so the future of that committee will be determined later. “Council has said it wants committees that have a clear purpose and goals,” said deputy city clerk Karen Needham. “With that in mind, staff have recommended changes to some committees to improve effectiveness, inclusiveness or focus.” She said the review of council committees was undertaken at the request of the new city council to assess and update their objectives. The committees are made up of volunteers from the community who are appointed by council. (more)

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