Thursday, April 26, 2012

"Sandbags Are Available To North Okanagan Residents"

With the current snow melt and warm weather in the forecast, North Okanagan residents are reminded that they are responsible for all measures required for flood protection of private property. To assist property owners who may experience flooding, communities of the North Okanagan in conjunction with North Okanagan Emergency Management have implemented a comprehensive Sand Bag program.
The locations for sand and sand bags are as follows, residents are reminded to bring their own shovels:
Armstrong - for sand and sand bags call 250.546.3023 (same number for after hours)
Coldstream - sand and sand bags located at 2 locations:

  • Kalamalka Rd, across from Postill Drive
  • Lavington Area - School Road across from Jeffers Park
  • For emergencies call Public Works at 250.550.1505 during work hours or 250.545.5304 after hours
Enderby - sand and sand bags located at Public Works yards 2309 McGowan St. For after hours call 250.838.7230.
Lumby - sand and sand bags located in gravel parking lot across from Lumby Arena/Curling Rink parking lot located at 2230 Shields Ave. For after hours please call 250.547.2160.
RDNO - Sand Bags only located outside gates at the Fire Training Centre - 300 Pottery Rd. Call 250.550.3731 during work hours.
Spallumcheen - sand and sand bags located outside gate of Public Works yards located at 1511 Eagle Rock Rd. For after hours please call 250.546.3013
Vernon: Sand and sandbags located at two locations:
•    Vernon City Yards – outside main gate on Pleasant Valley Road
•    Corner of Okanagan Ave. and Okanagan Landing Rd
Sand Bags available at two locations
•    Work Hours - City Yards 1900 48th Ave.
 •    After Hours – Vernon Fire Hall 3401 30th St.

News Release Document
- 31 Kb PDF

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