Thursday, May 31, 2012

Analysis of Municipal Comparision from 2011 Vernon Annual Report.

P.105 Annual Report

Analyzed Comparison of P.105 Annual Report.

The Annual report has a municipal comparison of the taxes paid on an average house in the 17 selected communities. The Annual Report Table is arranged in order of total taxes and municipal fees from the lowest (West Kelowna $2,022) to the highest (New West. $3,299).  In this presentation Vernon ranks 7th lowest. and Coldstream ranks 11th lowest.

I have always thought that a comparison of this type should be based on the total taxes and fees as a %age of the House Value. This comparison is shown in the 2nd table. This table is rearranged to illustrate the total taxes that would be paid for the Vernon Average House ($378,409). In this case Vernon is ranked 12th lowest while coldstream comes in at 9th lowest.

When I walk out of my house to pay my taxes I wonder how many years of tax payments I can defer before the City in effect owns my house. This is illustrated in the Column on the far right. (In Vernon's case it is only 152 years, 169 years in Coldstream  but 290 years in North Vancouver  which is the lowest ranked city on the revised list but 13th lowest ranked one in the annual report presentation.
The same Statistics can be used to illustrate different views. The reader can decide which viewpoint of his taxes he feels has the most validity.
When I was young I used to have to use both hands and sometimes 2 trips to carry home $25 worth of groceries. Now as I approach geezer-hood I find that I can easily lug the $25 worth of groceries with 1 hand.  I guess that I am twice as strong now as I was when I was young!!

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