Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Canadian municipalities say federal and provincial governments are leaving towns short of cash

Canada’s communities are getting a raw deal with federal and provincial governments scooping up the lion’s share of taxes and giving little back, says a report. A Federation of Canadian Municipalities report, released Tuesday says municipalities are being left to do the heavy lifting and the results are plain to see, with rocketing costs and deteriorating infrastructure. “Canada’s tax system takes too much from our communities and puts too little back,” FCM President Barry Vrbanovic stated in the annual report titled the State of Canada’s Cities and Communities 2012. “Without access to revenues that grow the economy and without long-term investment from other levels of government, municipalities continue to face a gap between their responsibilities and their ability to pay,” he said. Faced with a $123 billion municipal infrastructure deficit, Vrbanovic said Canadian municipalities can’t get by on collecting just eight cents of every tax dollar. “This fiscal imbalance erodes Canada’s competitiveness, while placing a growing burden on property taxpayers, straining local services and forcing municipalities to delay essential infrastructure projects,” he said. While he lauded the federal government for involving municipalities in the recession recovery efforts, he openly expressed fears in a speech to the Economic Club of Canada in Ottawa about what will happen when the programs that helped municipalities over the hump expire. “Federal investments worth billions of dollars annually to cities and communities will dry up in 2014, with the scheduled expiry of the Building Canada plan,” Vrbanovic said.(more)

The State of Canada’s Cities and Communities 2012 - Highlights and key findings (29/05/2012)

The State of Canadas Cities and Communities 2012 (29/05/2012)

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