Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Vernon Staff Remuneration 2011

Staff Total Remuneration 2010  $19,596,771 +58,361 = $19,655,132 / Total Remuneration 2011  $ 20,728,864 Total Over Year Increase  $ 1,073,732 / %age Increase Y/Y  = 5.46%

2011 Staff Remuneration & Expenses

2010 Staff Remuneration & Expenses
In 2011 Allowances (car etc.) which are a taxable benefit were relocated in Gross earnings column for the first time. The prior years Gross earnings Column was adjusted to place these $'s ($58,361) in the total comparison above. This prior year adjustment validates the comparison on a year over year total basis. 
Vernon Council Remuneration for 2009-2011  was posted at   

All these analysis are from data reported in the Annual Report(s) (See above Links) and will be the document that will be the subject of Public Input and comment on Monday June 11 at 5:30.

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