Tuesday, June 12, 2012

13 Heros' Rally Wednesday (News Release )

 Wednesday June 13  5:30 PM
  A rally will be held in front of Colin Mayes' office (in Vernon) to request that Mr Mayes be one of 13 Conservative MP's needed to stop the Budget Bill (C-38) by voting against it. For those who aren't aware of Elizabeth May's extraordinary move in the House of Commons recently, she has asked  Andrew Scheer, the Speaker of the House, to rule the Budget Bill C-38 out of order, because she claims it has too broad a scope to be acceptable as a budget. She has also put forward hundreds of amendments to the Bill. Watch her plea to the public at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8H4uXHBu8k.

Not all Conservative MP's are with Mr. Harper on this issue. And even the National Post thinks she's got a point, or rather several: http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2012/06/11/kelly-mcparland-elizabeth-may-leads-commendable-effort-to-halt-tory-omnibus-juggernaut/.

Read about the Speaker's decision at http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/politics/article/1209433--federal-budget-2012-voting-on-budget-goes-ahead-after-ruling-against-elizabeth-may?bn=1.

With as few as 13 Conservative MP's voting against the Bill, it would not pass. The rally is being held to demand that Mr. Mayes have the courage to oppose his Party in this matter.

Turn out to make this a forceful statement about the illegitimate omnibus nature of this year's Budget.

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