Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Application spurs development debate

Accusations of anti-development policies are coming from within Vernon city hall.  Criticism erupted Monday after city staff recommended denying an application for a 33-lot, low-density subdivision on 14 acres on Eastside Road. Staff believes there is already considerable land inventory approved for such uses in the community. “We are anti-development because we have years of lots and until that’s gone, we’re holding tight,” said Coun. Brian Quiring. Coun. Mary-Jo O’Keefe has similar views. “Why are we interfering in the market-driven process?” she said. “I’m worried we’re sending the message that we’re not in favour of development in the nicer parts of town.” A staff report says Vernon has existing approved capacity for 40,600 units to accommodate a population of 89,700 people. Staff also says that existing policies call for new development to be focused in the city centre and designated neighbourhood centres to better utilize existing infrastructure. O’Keefe didn’t agree with staff’s argument. “Water and sewer are already there and there’s a school in dire need of kids out there,” she said. Coun. Patrick Nicol believes the staff report created artificial boundaries for developers. “We’re going to dictate this instead of market-driven successes?” Staff did find some allies on council, though. “There are lots of properties out there if developers took the effort (under current land uses) they could develop,” said Coun. Juliette Cunningham. Mayor Rob Sawatzky says changing land use designation for the Eastside Road property would be unfair to other developers in Vernon. “There’s a large pool of similar lots that investors have set out. Those investors made plans within the official community plan,” he said. Ultimately, a majority of council defeated the staff recommendation to deny the change in land use designation from rural agricultural to residential low density. Any further consideration of the Eastside Road application is on hold until staff provides a detailed report of Vernon’s existing development land inventory.

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