Thursday, June 28, 2012

Carbon Tax Going up on Canada Day July 1, 2012

On July 1,2012 the Carbon Tax will once again increase. The tax will increase from 124.15 cents per GJ to  148.98 GJ. (20% increase from last year and a 100% increase since its introduction on Jan 1, 2010.)

Gasoline for your vehicle will increase from 5.56 cents per litre last year to 6.67 cents per litre on July 1, 2012. Same 20% y/y increase ans same 100% increase since introduction in Jan of 2010.)

The Feds get their share of the HST which is also charged on the carbon tax.
Ottawa cashing in with tax on B.C.'s carbon tax july 29,2008 (excerpts below)

B.C. Finance Minister Colin Hansen said he is powerless to stop Ottawa from having tax on the carbon tax. When British Columbia's much disputed carbon tax kicked on July 1st, Victoria said it would be revenue neutral, the money generated would be returned to taxpayers. But it turns out Ottawa is cashing in by collecting the GST on top of the carbon tax.

BC Finance Minister Colin Hansen says there is nothing he can do. "I personally disagree with the concept of a tax on a tax but that's the way the federal government has the GST set up,'' he said.

Old 2008 Cartoon

Don Quixote Note:  You can find most of the news about the Carbon Tax by clicking on the Carbon Tax Category at bottom of post. The HST is  charged at a 12% rate on your Fortis Gas Bill but is still applied to the Carbon Tax portion of your bill. (A tax on a tax!) However the Provincial share of 7% is credited back to you in the form of a Residential Tax Credit.

The HST is also charged to your Franchise Fee that is a 3.09% surcharge on your gas bill at the same 12% rate.

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