Sunday, June 03, 2012

City denies responsibility for shifting ground

The City of Vernon insists it’s not responsible for a slide that’s consumed part of a yard. Earth began shifting behind a home on 18th Avenue, off Pottery Road, in April, but the ground dropped six feet into a ravine May 24. “It’s a private property issue,” said Ed Stranks, the city’s engineering development services manager. Some residents have speculated the slide is a result of a water main. “There is no evidence of leakage or failure,” said Stranks. Stranks points out that East Hill is built on clay and he believes the situation is a result of soil slumping. “It could be the slope never stabilized or there is erosion from down below,” he said. The city has recommended the property owner commission a geotechnical consultant. Stranks says the city will not be involved in any remedial work. “It’s a private property issue and something in a rear yard and not bordering city property usually doesn’t involve the city,” he said. The property owner would not comment.

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