Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Elderly Pedestrian Hurt - Police investigating Monday afternoon accident

Emergency crews called out Monday afternoon to an accident involving a pedestrian.  The fire department says a pedestrian was hit in the intersection at 34st street and 25th Avenue near the Wholesale Club.Vernon RCMP officers were called to a report that a pedestrian had been struck by a vehicle at 25th Ave and 34th Street at about 4:40. The driver, of the truck was headed East on 25th Ave. He had stopped at 34th street to allow traffic to clear the intersection so he could to turn left (north) on to 34th St.  An 84 year old female pedestrian, was in the cross walk when the driver went to make his turn he saw her at the last moment, at this point he was unable to stop before making contact with her. The elderly woman was transported to VJH with a facial laceration and possible fractures. The police are continuing with their investigation and at this point, no charges have been laid.

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