Saturday, June 23, 2012

Negotiations between government and the BCGEU

 VICTORIA— Finance Minister Kevin Falcon issued the following statement on the status of negotiations with the B.C. Government Service Employees’ Union:

“I am disappointed the BCGEU rejected a fair offer that would have provided a wage increase during worsening economic times.

“Through our co-operative gains mandate we were able to offer the following:
·         A two per cent wage increase effective July 1, 2012.
·         A 1.5 per cent wage increase on July 1, 2013.
·         Renewal of the MOU on Employment Security for the term of the agreement.
·         Renewal of all existing temporary market adjustments.
·         Modest increases to some allowances in both years of the contract.

“There are only four other ways to fund a wage increase: raising British Columbians’ taxes, increasing the deficit and passing on debt to our children, cutting programs and services that people depend on, and reducing the size of our workforce through layoffs. “We are experiencing unpredictable economic circumstances around the world. Despite this uncertainty, we have been committed to finding savings that can fund a modest wage increase for employees.

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