Sunday, June 10, 2012

New parks model en route

Greater Vernon politicians continue their quest for common ground on parks.  Representatives from Vernon, Coldstream and the electoral areas will meet Tuesday and Thursday to try and hammer out a new model for the parks and recreation function. “We’ve overcome an important decision,” said Trafford Hall, Regional District of North Okanagan administrator, of all parties agreeing to a model where some parks would be run by individual jurisdictions. “There’s a lot of work to do but the process is moving forward.” Mike Macnabb, BX-Silver Star director, is confident that months of dispute can be addressed. “Everyone is in agreement with the model,” he said. “We just need to determine what’s sub-regional and what’s neighbourhood (parks).” After an agreement on parks, the jurisdictions will then consider governance of the function and how facilities will be operated. “I think we can get this wrapped up shortly,” said Macnabb.

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