Friday, June 01, 2012

No public washrooms for concerts

Relocating Vernon’s library has created some challenges when nature calls. In the past, people attending the Civic Sounds summer concerts used the washrooms in the library on 31st Avenue. But the library recently moved to 30th Avenue. “There are concerns about the public’s access to washrooms,” said Coun. Juliette Cunningham. The old library building is being converted into offices for city staff and it’s not known if the public will be able to use the washrooms there. There are also washrooms at city hall but staff has warned there would be a cost involved. “There would have to be a staff person on duty to open up the washrooms,” said Marg Bailey, the city’s acting chief administrative officer. Staff will investigation options for public washrooms and Coun. Mary-Jo O’Keefe insists a solution must be found. “We have a community square that will be used for community events,” she said. “Public washrooms will come up each time there’s an event.”

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