Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Parks DCC Revenue Foregone

Parks DCC Analysis of foregone DCC's
The numbers for 2011 are in and this almost completes the analysis of the Parks DCC's that were foregone by the delaying of the final adoption of the the DCC Parks Bylaw )( Greater Vernon Parks and Recreation District Development Cost Charge) from early 2008 to May 2, 2012.
DCC Parks Rates effective May 2, 2012

The per Unit cost had been increased from $2844 to $3644 per unit (28% increase) in late 2007 and was to be adopted after Provincial Review in early 2008. Nothing happened until it was pointed out by Vernon Council Resolution of the oversight in late 2010 and subsequent prodding throughout 2011 that produced the final adoption in 2012.

The Total foregone of $565,300 does not include the first 4 months of 2012 but this will not materially add to the total. These DCC's were put into full force and effect as of May 2, 2012.  I will now check this off my DCC Bucket list. Tilting at Windmills is frustrating but when you win occasionally (finally) it is worth the effort.  (You can follow most of the history of the quest by clicking on the DCC Category at bottom of post)

http://vernonblog.blogspot.ca/2007/07/amendments-to-parks-dcc-bylaw-at-gvsc.html  (Starting Point)
http://vernonblog.blogspot.ca/2012/05/parks-dccs-to-be-adopted-at-rdno.html (Final ending Point)

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