Tuesday, July 03, 2012

BPhysicists ready data on ‘God particle’ to explain everything

By John Heilprin  |  Associated Press      July 03, 2012 
GENEVA — Scientists believe the ‘‘God particle’’ that might explain the underpinnings of the universe is real, and they are about to present their evidence to the world.  Physicists at the world’s biggest atom smasher plan to announce Wednesday that they have nearly confirmed the primary plank of a theory that could shape the scientific understanding of all matter. The focus of the excitement is the Higgs boson, a subatomic particle that could help explain why matter has mass, which combines with gravity to give an object weight. Researchers at the European Organization for Nuclear Research say that they have compiled vast amounts of data that measure and reveal the shadow of the particle — all but proving it exists, even though it has never actually been glimpsed. Two independent teams of physicists are cautious after decades of work and billions of dollars spent. They do not plan to use the word ‘‘discovery,’’ but they say they will come as close as possible to asserting that the particle exists. Meenakshi Narain, a physics professor at Brown University who works on one of the teams, said that although she could not disclose what will be announced on Wednesday, this was a “once in a lifetime event,” because the experiments have provided enough data to give “at least the first hints of it in a significant way,” or to rule out the existence of Higgs. (more)

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