Sunday, July 01, 2012

Teachers' settlement, 'sense of relief'

B.C. Teachers Comparison to Canada
Vernon S.D. Cat. 5 level $46,794

Wayne Moore - Castanet Jun 27, 2012 / 12:02 pm The head of the Central  Okanagan Teachers Association is expressing a sense of relief after a tentative agreement was announced late Tuesday night in the year-long dispute between teachers and the provincial government. While there are still several issues that remain outstanding, COTA President, Alice Rees says the fact a settlement has been reached could trigger other, unforeseen events down the road. "One never knows the long range impact of a settlement in terms of goodwill and revisiting what are truly important issues to the teachers, truly important to the learning environment of our children, our students," says Rees. "Bargaining is the art of the possible." Rees says several issues central to the latest dispute with the province remain unresolved in the current agreement that will be addressed before this deal expires next June. "First and foremost is our win in the Supreme Court over the stripping of class size and composition language. The Supreme Court found that act illegal and unconstitutional," says Rees. "Teachers gave up salary to buy those conditions and they were just taken and stolen. We have to address salary catch up." She says teachers make one of the lowest wages in Canada while living in the province with one of the highest costs of living. "What that means is the best and the brightest get drained away. Other provinces will appear more appealing, other professions will appear more appealing."

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