Friday, October 26, 2012

District of Coldstream investigates facility figures

By Jennifer Smith - Vernon Morning Star Published: October 26, 2012 1:00 AM
Coldstream is prodding its regional partners to get the ball rolling on the area parks review. The district has drafted a series of questions regarding water revenue and billing to the Regional District of North Okanagan. “We’re trying to be proactive,” said Coldstream Mayor Jim Garlick. Coldstream wants to know the total amounts of domestic water volume billed and the total revenue for the Duteau and Mission Hill water treatment plants.
It is also seeking details and figures for the past five years on building costs, operating grant costs and revenues for the following:
  • Performing Arts Centre
  • Greater Vernon Museum and Archives
  • Vernon Community Arts Centre
  • Vernon Art Gallery
  • Boys and Girls Club
  • Teen Junction
Coldstream also wants to know who owns the building/property, who pays the lease costs (if any), what group pays rent and to whom and do the revenues go back to the service/function or back to the organizations’ operating costs? Garlick says the series of questions is to help facilitate the parks review as well as a new arts, culture and youth function in the works. “With this new function, we want to know how are we going to fund it?”

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