Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pedestrian needs considered

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star Published: October 28, 2012 1:00 AM
There will be no immediate changes to Old Kamloops Road.  Residents had asked for a bike lane, and that will be considered as part of the City of Vernon’s transportation plan next year. “It will show where the shoulder widening on Old Kamloops Road will fit into priorities,” said Rob Dickinson, engineering manager. When a bike lane could be installed will depend on other projects in Vernon and budgets. Residents have expressed concern that traffic on the road travels at a high rate of speed and the lack of a shoulder puts pedestrians at risk.
Accessibility promoted
The City of Vernon may help some teens with increasing their life skills.  Council is considering a request to provide 28 free bus passes to special needs students at Vernon Secondary School. “We could learn to confidently travel around Vernon,” said student Derick Morgan. The passes would help the students get to jobs or volunteer activities. “We are trying to integrate them into society,” said teacher Curt Russo of the need to ensure students are ready to leave school. “They’re afraid of it (transit) and they have never had the experience before.”
Suite proceeds
A secondary suite is moving ahead in an East Hill neighbourhood. Vernon council has granted a development variance permit so a second building can be constructed on a lot in the 3300 block of 18th Street. It will include a garage and a residential suite. Opposition came from Councillors Patrick Nicol, Catherine Lord and Bob Spiers. “This neighbourhood does not want this. It’s about protecting lifestyle,” said Nicol. However, Coun. Juliette Cunningham says there is a need to provide a range of affordable housing throughout the community.

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