Sunday, October 28, 2012

Township of Spallumcheen confirms status of CAO

By Roger Knox - Vernon Morning Star Published: October 28, 2012 1:00 AM The Township of Spallumcheen plans on moving in a new direction when it comes to its administration. As promised Monday, Mayor Janice Brown issued a three-line statement regarding the termination of Lynda Shykora, who had been the chief administrative officer for the township for nearly eight years. “The Township of Spallumcheen resolved to end its employment relationship with chief administrative officer Ms. Lynda Shykora on Oct. 22, 2012,” read the statement. “Township council authorized a settlement package in accordance with applicable legal principles and after obtaining legal advice. Council is seeking to establish a new direction for staff leadership for the township at this time.” Asked in an e-mail for the reason for Shykora’s termination, Brown replied, “Without cause.”’ Shykora worked the first regular monthly council meeting Oct. 1 and was suspended without cause later that week.

“I am astounded and shocked at the decision and I am extremely disappointed in the way it was done,” said Shykora by e-mail on Friday. “I guess the council made the decision they believe to be the best for the organization and for the community.  Unfortunately for me, this is an occupational hazard; it is not uncommon for a new council to be elected in November, and for the axe to fall on senior administration if they are not suited to the new council.” Shykora stands by her record and the open door policy she had in place. “I  know that I did a good job at the township over these eight years,” she said. “Always had the best interests of the residents in mind. “Even though my career ended at the township earlier than I would have liked, I have to say that it was an honour to work with and to serve all past members of council and the past mayor, as well as members of the community.”
Chief financial officer Brian Freeman-Marsh has been acting administrator. Brown said a search will be put in place for Shykora’s replacement. “We will hire an interim CAO and go through the process to hire a new CAO,” said Brown via e-mail.

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