Greater Vernon Advisory Committee Thursday, January 3, 2013 - 8:00 am Agenda P. 32-46 Community Sports Facility
This item will be considered at the first GVAC meeting in the New Year. The Present Cost of $8,486,044 could be modified downwards by adopting different methods as laid out in the 'decision points' in the agenda pages. (For example a saving of $612,000 could be made by installing a Natural Grass Field rather than a Synthetic Turf Field.) (Maintenance would be higher by about $19,000 on the Grass Field.)Not mentioned in decision points
would be building only Building B at the cost of $389,600 and eliminating Building A - Change-rooms that adds an additional $915,000 to bring cost of the 2 buildings to $1,304,600.
Don Quixote Note:

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