Monday, December 10, 2012

Parks Pact Passed By Vernon

Written by Peter McIntyre  107.5 KISSFM Monday, 10 December 2012 19:35
 The plan to restructure parks service in Greater Vernon has passed a big hurdle. Vernon council has ratified the pact, joining Coldstream and the regional district. Bob Spiers was the lone opponent, concerned the city is turning  ownership of Kal Beach and Marshall Fields, over to the regional district. "I come from an old school that says, you got property and you don't transfer it unless you get proper consideration for it. It just doesn't make any sense to me." Mayor Rob Sawatzky says the deal isn't perfect, but it allows the region to move forward, and end a long stalemate. "Your're not transferring ownership to any sort of alien. You're transferring ownership to an entity where you are the majority shareholder, the majority voter and your're transferring assets that are used by all the citizens in the community. Why would you not do that?" Councillor Juliette Cunningham says they never expected a perfect deal, but she feels this is a reasonable compromise that will help the region. The vote for the memorandum of understanding was 5-1 in support. Councillor Mary Jo O'Keefe was absent.
Don Quixote Note:
All parks classed as sub-regional parks (schedule 1) (where not legally encumbered by trust agreements etc) will be turned over to RDNO ownership. (Title in fee simple).
In Vernon's case this would include:

  • Kin Beach  (1.7 HA)
  • Marshall Field Park  (19.44 HA)
  • Kin Race Track (7.16 Ha)
  • Kal Beach (3.90 HA)
  • Kal Beach Parking Lot (?HA)
"Buy land. They ain't making any more of the stuff. " Will Rogers

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