Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hefty Bill To Clean Washrooms

Written by Peter McIntyre 107.5 KISSFM Wednesday, 16 January 2013 06:03
  The cost to clean a public washroom in Vernon's Cenotaph Park, could be more than the building itself.  The city will be adding a 47-thousand dollar relocatable washroom on the Medical Clinic site, adjacent to the Greyhound station on 31st Avenue. Mayor Rob Sawatzky was alarmed to hear it could cost up to 72-thousand dollars a year, to maintain the facility. "To staff's credit, they always try to look at the worst case scenario so that we do not get surprises." Sawatzky expects the actual cost for maintenance will end up being much lower once more is known about the facility's usage which could include meeting demand after the night clubs get out.

1 comment:

Kalwest said...

Why not adopt the French open air toilets, they work fine over there at minimal cost.