Friday, January 25, 2013

Parking Rates To Double

Written by Peter McIntyre 107.5 KISSFM Friday, 25 January 2013 10:22 
  Vernon City Hall (Kiss FM file photo:no kidding!)The city of Vernon is trying to trim spending in its new budget, but is passing fee increases onto residents. One impact will be at parking meters which will rise from 50 $1 an hour starting in late February or early March. City staff say that will bring in additional revenue of $349,860 annually. If you get a parking ticket, that will double from $5 to $10, if paid within two weeks. "This is anticipated to bring in $153,500 annually in added revenue," states a city release. Flat parking rates and those at the Parkade will also go up. City staff say it's the first parking rate increases in ten years. The city is also cutting some costs as part of their restraint budget which at this point carries at 4.2% tax hike ($56 increase for the average homeowner.) Non profit groups will feel the pinch as their tax exemptions will be chopped by ten percent. Council's grants will be cut from $92,000 to $50,000 a year, although staff say the lower figure is about how much council granted in 2012. The Communities in Bloom flower program will be clipped, saving $9,100. "Local service and garden clubs will be encouraged to assume responsibility for the program," says the release. For more highlights of the proposed budget, click HERE.
Vernon releases preliminary budget by Ragnar Haagen - Castanet  Jan 25, 2013 / 9:29 am
Property taxes will show an increase by 1.9 per cent dedicated to maintenance and replacement of infrastructure (roads, sidewalks, pipe systems, etc.) The intent is to add 1.9 per cent, per year cumulative for the next nine years. This will add approximately $473,000 in new revenue each year. In ten years, this dedicated tax will generate approximately $5 to $6 million per year for reinvestment in the City’s infrastructure. This tax will be noted as a separate line item on the tax notice.

Vernon City Council may reopen budget discussions on some issues once the Core Service Review is concluded at the end of March.

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