Friday, January 25, 2013

Vernon Budget Results.

Preliminary Budget Meeting Results 

Don Quixote Note:
This is a Press Release highlighting some of the changes. There were many others involving small service level requests. You can discern most of these from the screen shots below. The actual details of some can be traced back to the actual online budget (2013-2017 Proposed Financial Plan - 28 MBPDF - Opens in new window)
by tracing the CR# to the actual description within the budget P.321). Most of the other ones with no number can be found as Summary & Details of Fee and Service Opportunities..starting on Page 10. (Note some of the changes are to increase revenue (revenue col.) while others are increase to expenses (expense Col.)

  At the present the tax increase is at 4.2%. (a 2.3% operating increase plus a 1.9% cumulative dedicated infrastructure tax. (Property taxes will show an increase by 1.9% dedicated to maintenance and replacement of infrastructure (roads, sidewalks, pipe systems, etc.) The intent is to add 1.9% per year cumulative for the next nine years.)

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