Tuesday, May 21, 2013

123 Drivers Caught Speeding

Written by Peter McIntyre 107.5 KISSFM Tuesday, 21 May 2013 16:00
 RCMP radarIf you got caught speeding over the long weekend, you certainly were not alone.  Traffic cops handed out 123 tickets at various North Okanagan sites. The RCMP Gord Molendyk says a helicopter was used in the enforcement on Highway 97 south of Vernon Monday. "The helicopter gave warnings to the members  at the traffic stop of fast vehicles coming at the Lazer operator. The helicopter was so effective that after a bit, they noticed all the drivers were slowing down." Molendyk says its rare to see helicopters used for speed control in the Interior, but it's common in the Lower Mainland with the higher volume of traffic. "They also could have been working on something else (that day) and decided to assist the officers," he says. Of the 123 speeding tickets, one driver was caught going 99 km-h in the 50 zone up Hospital Hill (Highway 97) which led to a one week vehicle impoundment.

Total stats for the weekend by Traffic Service and RCMP AIR 3 were: 1 mischief (criminal code charge), 1 90 day IRP, 1 3 day IRP, 1 Drive while Prohibited (provincial), 1 excessive speed, 123 speeding tickets, 19 seatbelts, 4 cell phone tickets, 2 no insurances, 9 other tickets, and 50 warnings.

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