Wednesday, June 05, 2013

RDNO Salaries Up $450,000

Written by Peter McIntyre 107.5 KISSFM Wednesday, 05 June 2013 14:45
  RDNO officeIt's costing more for the Regional District of North Okanagan to deliver services to regional taxpayers. RDNO paid its staff $5.52 million last year according to figures in its annual financial statement, up from the $5.06 million in 2011, a increase of 8.9 percent. Twenty-four employees were paid $75,000 or more, including eight over $100,000.  Administrator Trafford Hall was the top paid staffer at 156-thousand dollars in salary and another 11 thousand dollars in expenses. You can see more details on the RDNO website (page 152 of financial statement).

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