Monday, July 08, 2013

Outstanding Debt 2012 Yearend for GVAC

These are the outstanding Recreational and Facilities debt issues for GVAC. As Taken from the financial statements on page 17  Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 2010

Dec. 31 2012 balances Debt for GVAC Functions

$7.5 million borrowed as approved by the 2006 Referendum. (2006-2008-2010)
Water Debt Outstanding Issues 2012 close

Don Quixote Note: It appears some of the rates have changed (Mostly downwards). 1 issue matured in 2012. Hopefully my figures have been transposed correctly from the Financial Statements. The financial statements indicate a 2008 new debt issue of $101,782 for 10 years  for the Indoor Soccer borrowing (?).  In 2011 this issue was listed as part of a $1,141,836 issue due 2028 taken out in 2008. This issue in 2012 was corrected to read $1,040,054 in 2012.  (This was part of the 2006 referendum authorized total of $7,500,000 that was borrowed in the 3 tranches (2006, 2008 & 2010) as shown above.

P.17 Financial Statements Long Term Debt RDNO

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