Thursday, April 10, 2014

Commercial Water Rates effective April 1, 2014

BYLAW No. 2622  A bylaw to impose rates for the Greater Vernon Water Service (2014)

Water Commercial Rate to March 31, 2014.
All consumption at $1.15 per cubic meter
Base Fee of $80.50 per quarter
Minimum Fee based on the size of meter

Water Commercial Rate after Apr.1  2014.
All consumption at $1.50 per cubic meter
Base Fee of $99.80 per quarter
Minimum Fee based on the size of meter

Base Fee Increase is from $80.50 to $99.80 per Quarter.  (23.97% increase = $19.30)

Consumption fee increase is from, $1.15/m3 to $1.50/m3.  (35 cents/m3  30.43%)

Minimum fee payable for consumption has increased on top 5 measuring elements but decreased on 4 smaller measuring elements sizes.) As an example the small business who have a 17 to 21 mm size and use small amounts of water (less than 38m3 in quarter) will now pay a minimum charge of $57.00 rather than $96.20.  (A saving of $39.20 per quarter - $156.80 annually) The Base fee that is also payable (regardless of consumption) does still add $19.30 per quarter to your bill- $77.20 annually)

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