by Wayne Moore | CASTANET- Apr 1, 2014 / 6:42 am
Kelowna City Council has given first reading to a zoning amendment to allow Medical Marijuana Production facilities in the I1 (Business Industrial) zone. The amendment came out of a March 18 public hearing. This means Medical Marijuana Production facilities will be allowed on I1, I2, I3 and I4 zones. "The rationale is based on the fact there is very few uses that were allowed in the I4 zone that weren't already allowed in the I1 and I3 zone," stated Subdivision, Agriculture and Environment Director, Shelley Gambacort in her brief report to council. Meanwhile, it will be a month or more before staff are prepared to come back to council with wording on a bylaw amendment which will allow production facilities on agricultural lands. "We are trying to target a meeting in May for that. We are doing the research for that right now," says Gambacort. "We have met with a number of proponents that are looking at having the facilities within the agricultural zone. We are just trying to get some background as to what they are looking for as far as the facilities and we will be then taking it to the AC for comments on the draft bylaw at which point we are hoping to be before council in May." Gambacort says staff within the Ministry of Agriculture will also be consulted prior to coming to council because any proposed bylaw will have to receive ministry approval prior to adoption.
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