Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Regional District of North Okanagan Board Adopts Changes to Recycling and Disposal Fees

Posted Monday, December 22, 2014

On October 1, 2014, the Regional District of North Okanagan (RDNO) Board of Directors adopted Municipal Solid Waste Management Bylaw No. 2659, 2014. This bylaw regulates the use of, and sets the fees for the recycling and disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) at RDNO Recycling and Disposal Facilities (RDFs). The updated bylaw includes some minor text amendments as well as some increases in Recycling and Disposal Fees. The increases in Recycling and Disposal fees will take effect at all RDNO RDFs on Friday, January 2, 2015.

The most significant changes are:
-an increase in the regular refuse disposal fee from $93/tonne to $95/tonne;
-the fee for construction and demolition (C&D) waste will increase from $184/tonne to $200/tonne;
-the fee for disposal of refuse containing Regulated Material (e.g. recyclable and/or divertable products such as asphalt roofing, yard and garden waste, glass, scrap metal wood and/or Blue Bag recyclables) will increase from $184/tonne to $200/tonne;
-the disposal fee for refuse containing drywall will increase from $279/tonne to $300/tonne;
the fee for mixed residential waste will increase from $64/tonne to $66/tonne; and
minimum charges for regular refuse, yard and garden waste, wood and metal will all increase from $3 to $4, the per tonne recycling and disposal fee for these products remains the same.

In 2015, $14 per tonne of MSW disposed at all RDNO RDFs will be set aside in the closure/post closure reserve. In addition, $5 per tonne disposed will continue to be allocated to a sustaining capital reserve. There are many years of capacity remaining at the Greater Vernon, Armstrong/Spallumcheen and Lumby RDFs; however, the RDNO faces significant closure and post-closure costs when these facilities reach capacity. The closure reserve contributions will ensure that funds are available to close these facilities properly when the time comes and to continue to monitor the sites for at least 25 years post closure. (more)

Municipal Solid Waste Management Bylaw No. 2659, 2014, will be posted on the RDNO website at www.rdno.ca as of January 2, 2015. The Bylaw contains the complete list of Regulated Materials, as well as the complete Recycling and Disposal Fee schedule. For further information, please go online to www.rdno.ca.

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