Monday, January 05, 2015

Press Release from City of Vernon

The Vernon area has received over 35cm of snow during the last 24 hours. This has resulted in extremely difficult road conditions. Currently, all available City resources are being used for snow and ice control. Plow trucks will remain on main roads until the snow fall stops. Once the snow fall stops and main roads have been plowed and sanded, plow trucks will then plow and sand local residential roads.It will take approximately 36 hours after the snow fall stops to plow and sand all roads within the City.

Residents are reminded to plow sidewalks adjacent to your property and to please plow sidewalk and driveway snow back to front yard areas where possible. Snow plowed onto roadways reduces road snow storage areas and can create a hazard for motorists.

Please note that transit in Vernon is also not running today.

We appreciate your patience during these challenging weather conditions.
SNOW REMOVAL Regulations
5.7 (a) Every owner or occupier of real property shall remove, or cause the removal of snow, ice or rubbish from every sidewalk or footpath that borders on that real property within 24 hours from the time the
snow, ice or rubbish is deposited thereon. (Bylaw 5429 - April 22/13)
(b) In accordance with the City's "Snow and Ice Control Policy", the City will assist with snow removal from sidewalks or footpaths identified on the Sidewalk Snow Clearing Route map as "Inaccessible Sidewalks". Every owner or occupier of real property adjacent to an inaccessible sidewalk, while not responsible for snow clearing, remains responsible for the control of ice or rubbish as per section 5.7 (a). (Bylaw 5482 - Feb 24/14)

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