Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Annex rules sought

by Jennifer Smith - Vernon Morning Star posted Feb 11, 2015 at 1:00 AM
Electoral areas are looking to lay down some rules for properties jumping boundaries into Vernon. The Electoral Area Advisory Committee is hoping Vernon will be willing to enter into a discussion to establish a boundary extension protocol agreement. “Right now there’s nothing,” said EAAC chairperson Bob Fleming, who is also director for BX-Swan Lake. The main concern with properties being annexed into the city is that there is no sort of compensation for the loss of tax base. “We just lose ‘em, city gets ‘em and we pay for it,” said Fleming. The request stems from a block annexation proposal from the city, which the electoral areas is deferring in hopes of gaining an agreement. “It would be completely voluntary on the part of Vernon,” said Fleming.
-----------  P.102-152

5. Proposed City of Vernon Block Annexation Referral
- Staff report dated January 23 2015
That it be recommended to the Board of Directors, that consideration of the proposed
City of Vernon Block Extension be deferred until a Municipal Boundary Extension
Protocol Agreement has been developed between the City of Vernon and the
Regional District of North Okanagan.

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