Friday, February 06, 2015

Community Name For Sports Field

Written by Peter McIntyre 107.5 KISSFM Friday, 06 February 2015 06:00
Greater Vernon's new sports complex next to Okanagan College will have a name that reflects the community, not a business. The 7.5 million dollar facility will open this spring. Greater Vernon Advisory director Bob Fleming says the final name is still being discussed. "The vast bulk of the money for this project is coming from the taxpayers and that should be reflected in the name, and although we haven't finalized the name, it's going to be Greater Vernon Athletic Park, or something like that," says Fleming. However, components of the facility, like the synthetic turf field, will be offered for naming rights sponsorships, with the committee agreeing to a request for a proposals at Thursday's meeting. GVAC chair Juliette Cunningham says the sponsorship funds will be put back into the facility. "Any capital money that they (sponsor) would bring to the table, they would be asked how they want that spent, and we would use that to enhance the facility." Greater Vernon voters approved borrowing up to $7.5 million for the facility in a referendum in April 2013.

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