Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Money isn't everything, even in election

by Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star posted Feb 25, 2015 at 1:00 AM
Akbal Mund was outspent by his challengers but he’s the one sitting in the mayor’s chair. Financial documents from the 2014 civic election show Mund spent $8,554 in the race for Vernon mayor, far less than Victor Cumming’s $19,884 and Mary-Jo O’Keefe’s $20,747. “I was the last one to announce and I really didn’t do a heavy campaign until the last few weeks,” said Mund. I had planned for $10,000 especially because I was running for the first time.” Of Mund’s $8,845 in expenses, there was $845 from individuals, $5,500 from corporations, $1,500 from unincorporated businesses and $1,000 from a non-profit. They include $1,000 from the Vernon Firefighters Association, $345 from Mund himself and a combined $5,000 from Predator Ridge, Wesbild Holdings and Pageant Holdings. Mund says election donations don’t influence his activities as mayor. “I’ve known a lot of these people for years and a lot of them are my friends,” he said. For third-place O’Keefe, she received $7,887 in donations from individuals and $12,860 from corporations. They include a combined $5,000 from Predator Ridge, Wesbild Holdings and Pageant Holdings, $1,223 from O’Keefe and a company she owns and $4,250 from Michaela and Leonard Brad Chapman. Cumming came in second and of his income of $19,884, $11,498 came from individuals, $8,003 from corporations and $100 from unincorporated businesses. Among the donations were $4,316 from former mayor Rob Sawatzky and $8,003 from Cumming and his consulting firm. Among the other mayoralty candidates, Jamie Morrow self-financed his $3,446 in expenses while Klaus Tribes had income of $1,320 ($320 from individuals and $1,000 from corporations) and expenses of $2,481.

Financial statements have also been released for the 14 candidates for the six councillor seats. Topping the list for expenses was Mark Olsen at $11,488 while Art Gourley recorded no expenses.For those individuals elected to council, expenses were: Scott Anderson at $3,300, Juliette Cunningham at $826, Catherine Lord at $3,203, Dalvir Nahal at $6,772, Brian Quiring at $385 and Bob Spiers at $439.

For the other candidates, it was $2,478 for Kari Gares, $416 for Jack Gilroy, $2,898 for Shawn Lee, $2,500 for Janet Green, $1,261 for James Todd and $605 for Colt Wilson.
Election Disclosure statements at:

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