Friday, June 12, 2015

Green Candidates Announced

Posted on 6/12/2015 by 107.5 KISS FM News Staff 1
The North Okanagan-Shuswap Federal Green Party Association announced at its Annual General Meeting that nominations have re-opened to select a Green candidate for the 2015 federal election. Two independent business people have already declared their interest to become the Green Party candidate. Chris George from Notch Hill is a full time university student with 25 years experience in small business who ran for the provincial Greens in the Shuswap in 2013. "I am very concerned about this government's willingness to give away our resources and our children's futures via a series of ill considered trade deals. The 30% of Canadians who rely on small business for their livelihoods deserve better". Keli Westgate of Vernon works in multi-media, permaculture and composting. She ran in the last municipal election in Oyama. She is a Director with Historic O’Keefe Ranch and the Sustainable Environment Network Society (SENS). “I am passionate about sustainable development, local small business, affordable housing, and creating ‘green’ jobs for young people in the North Okanagan-Shuswap”, Keli said. “Green support keeps rising”, said a party representative. “People want a change from the dictatorial policies of Mr. Harper. They are looking for green alternatives to our crumbling resource based economy. They are afraid of Harper’s devastating attack on democracy. They want action on climate change. They recognize that Elizabeth May is an outstanding Parliamentarian and they want to support her.” “Elizabeth May proved that when voters come out to the polls, change can happen” said the Green Party campaign manager. “When voter turnout in her riding topped 75% last election, Elizabeth turned the tables on the incumbent.” A Green Party Candidate Selection Meeting is planned for July 23rd. To vote for the candidate you want in this selection process, you must be a member of the Green Party for 30 days prior to the event. Contact: Greig Crockett; 250-260-5877;

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