Monday, June 15, 2015


14. Regional District of North Okanagan 2014 Statement of Financial Information
- Staff report dated June 17, 2015
RECOMMENDATION 20 Page 116 (Unweighted Corporate Vote – Simple Majority)
That, pursuant to the requirements of the Financial Information Act, the 2014 Statement of Financial Information and attached Schedules for the Regional Districtof North Okanagan be approved.

2013 Comparative Schedules can be found at

Don Quixote Note: On a year over year basis Political Remuneration was $266,153.80 in 2014 as compared to 279,785.00 in 2013.  ( decrease of $13.631.20).

Employee Remuneration was $5,823,665.13 in 2014 as compared to 6,150,518.49 in 2013.
( decrease of $326,853.36). (The Total $ amount of the 3 Severance Agreements nor the individual allocations are included in the Employee Remuneration  Schedule.)

RDNO Political Remuneration & Expenses 2014

RDNO Employee Remuneration & Expenses 2014

Any differences between this schedule and the financial statements are attributable to payroll overhead, benefits and timing. Remuneration is reported based on the year it is paid pursuant to Canada Revenue Agency regulations, whereas it is accounted for in the financial statements based on the year it is earned.

Statement of Severance Agreements
There were three severance agreements made between the Regional District of North Okanagan and its non-unionized employees during the year ended December 31 , 2014. These agreements ranged from to 9 months of equivalent compensation based on their salaries at the time of the agreements.

by Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star posted May 18, 2014 at 1:00 AM
A shift in management has had financial implications for North Okanagan taxpayers. A freedom of information request from The Morning Star shows the Regional District of North Okanagan paid $116,711 in compensation in lieu of notice when Trafford Hall’s role as administrator ended April 10.

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