Thursday, June 18, 2015

VERNON Annual Report (Draft) including 2014 SOFI Figures.
The Draft Annual Report will be tabled at the Regular meeting this Monday at 1:30 PM.
Don Quixote Note:
(SOFI Figures start on Page 57)
You can click on images to enlarge and compare. The figures come from the Draft 2013 ANNUAL report which will be the subject of a Public Input session in the first Council meeting on July 13.. (4PM) 

2013 SOFI for VERNON for Comparison.
Council 2013 Remuneration: 190,281.00
Council 2014 Remuneration: 184,061.69   (decrease  $6,219.31)

Staff Remuneration 2013     21,019,664
Staff Remuneration 2014     21,480,944      (increase $461,280 )

In accordance with the requirements of the Financial Information Act  is a schedule of Severance Agreements   (P.61) and equivalent's month range of compensation for the year 2013 for which severance payments commenced in 2013. Number of Severance Agreements: 2 Range of equivalent's months pay: 6

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