Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hemp products help dogs by Darren Handschuh CASTANET - Sep 29, 2015 / 6:11 pm

by Darren Handschuh CASTANET - Sep 29, 2015 / 6:11 pm
Dogs are eating up a new product from a North Okanagan company – literally. True Leaf of Vernon, is marketing a line of hemp-based doggie chews that, the company says, offers a variety of benefits to the family dog. Called True Love, True Spirit and True Calm chews, the company says the treats supply dogs with natural antioxidants and address joint pain and anxiety. The product attracted significant interest from collectives, pet stores and dog lovers at two recent trade shows and appears ready to fill a niche in the fast-growing “functional chew” category. The local brand will be for sale in stores by late October. The products were developed by True Leaf Medicine International Ltd. of Vernon and officially launched on Sept. 20 at the Pijac Canada show in Toronto, Canada’s largest annual pet industry trade show. The products have secured nationwide distribution and initial orders already represent 10 per cent of the revenue goal for year one.
Earlier in September at the International Cannabis Business Exhibition in Los Angeles, True Leaf gave the U.S. market a sneak peek at the products. More more than 85 people signed up for future orders of the company’s range of products, including several medical marijuana collectives, dispensary owners and a grocery chain, all anticipating a huge demand from customers with pets, according to Darcy Bomford, True Leaf CEO. “The last two weeks have been a whirlwind as we introduced the product line to the North American marketplace. We’re blown away by the response. When you see people so excited about what we are doing, it’s obvious all of our hard work is starting to pay off,” said Bomford. Bomford stressed the next few months will be a turning point for True Leaf as it starts shipping product and generating revenue.

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