Sunday, September 20, 2015

Water advocate doesn't make the grade

by Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star posted Sep 20, 2015 at 1:00 AM
A vocal critic of Greater Vernon’s water policies has been sidelined. Gyula Kiss, a Coldstream councillor, was not named to the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee’s master water plan stakeholder advisory committee. “I’m not disappointed because I expected it,” he said. GVAC has launched a review of long-term water strategies because a referendum to borrow $70 million for the master water plan was defeated. Kiss has spoken against the plan and has called for domestic water to be switched from Duteau Creek to Okanagan Lake. “They believe I am biased towards another approach. I represented the majority of the people when I said, ‘This is not the best master water plan,’” he said, adding that the same accusation of bias could be made towards those who favour the former plan. “Dissent is not appreciated within the regional district.” Juliette Cunningham, GVAC chairperson, would not elaborate on why Kiss was not selected for the stakeholder committee. “It was GVAC who made recommendations to the regional district board on all appointments to the stakeholder advisory committee,” she said. The 18-person stakeholder committee includes residential customers as well as agriculture, commercial and industrial water users. The political representatives are Cunningham and Jim Garlick, GVAC vice-chairperson. Garlick says he’s pleased with the make-up of the group. “We all have to work together. If people are there just to snipe, it’s not helpful. We need a successful outcome,” he said. According to Garlick, the number of residential customers involved was expanded and efforts were made to ensure large water users are involved. “I hope we can move ahead and find something tolerable for everyone.” Cunningham insists that advisory committee will not just rubber-stamp the former water plan. “I don’t have a prescribed outcome in mind. There may be some things raised we can look at,” she said. Garlick also agrees that the review process is open-ended. “I have no agenda and no thoughts on where it will go,” he said. Besides Cunningham and Garlick, the other committee members are Asif Mohammad and Michael Witt from the agricultural sector, Tekmar Control Systems’ Don Gibbs, Claus Larsen, from the Best Western Plus Vernon Lodge and Noric House’s Robert Aspenlieder. David Frost has been named from Vernon Jubilee Hospital, Jerry Westby represents the Vernon School District and Dave Etherington is from Sleeman Breweries. The development sector is represented by Robert Evans, from Wesbild, and the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce will also have a member. The residents on the committee are Doug Neden, Michael Carlson, Monique Hubbs-Michiel, Denise Bodenham, Paul Jeffry Williamson, John Lainsbury and Ray Foisy. The Citizens for Changes to the Master Water Plan will be represented by Terry Mooney.
EDITORIAL: Water plan scrutiny needed
by Editorial - Vernon Morning Star posted Sep 20, 2015 at 1:00 AM
There will be some Greater Vernon residents disappointed, and possibly frustrated, that Gyula Kiss has not been appointed to a stakeholders committee determining the future of the local water utility. After all, they believe the Coldstream councillor is only one of two elected officials (the other is Vernon’s Bob Spiers) who have openly challenged the technical merits of the master water plan. Among Kiss’ calls for action is to switch residents from Duteau Creek to the Okanagan Lake water source. It was partly because of Kiss’ comments at meetings and on his blog that a $70 million borrowing referendum for the utility was unsuccessful, forcing the master water plan review that’s underway. One could speculate as to why the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee did not appoint Kiss to the 18-person stakeholder committee given his interest in all things water. Kiss, himself, has suggested that, “Dissent is not appreciated within the regional district.” Even if Kiss is right and the non-appointment is some form of muzzle, it’s not going to work. He may not sit on the stakeholder committee, but Kiss should question and raise concerns anytime at GVAC or Coldstream council. He can continue to play a vital role in the process, and, in fact, his not being part of the stakeholder committee may provide him with some independence. But while Kiss is encouraged to continue to scrutinize development of a water plan, we would hope he will be open minded and not preclude the possibility that an effective and cost-efficient water system can be developed that doesn’t conform to his concept. The issue of water is critical to the future of Greater Vernon long-term and co-operation from everyone is required.

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