Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Arena tender set to go

by Kate Bouey - CASTANET Feb 24, 2016 / 5:00 am
The new arena project at Kal Tire Place is expected to be sent out to tender on Thursday, according to Doug Ross, Vernon recreation services director. The public and user groups are being promised “ample opportunity to be involved in the design process through open houses, workshops and input sessions,” states the city website. Design work is expected to take nine to 12 months, followed by 24 months of construction. A new facility could potentially open in the fall of 2018. In a referendum on Nov. 28, residents gave the OK to the North Okanagan Regional District to borrow $13.25 million for construction of the arena, which will replace the aging Civic Arena. The City of Vernon will contribute an additional $812,385 from the Civic Arena reserve fund, figures show. On Monday, city council approved the transfer of funds for the twinning project.A portion of the money, $56,758.82, will help pay off the cost of the RDNO referendum and another $10,197.10 to pay for advertising and communications during the referendum campaign.
Resolution from Council Agenda: (p.275-276)
THAT Council approve the transfer of funds from the Recreation Facility Replacement Reserve Fund ($919,072.34) to a project account:  to cover the cost of the Multi-Use Expansion Referendum conducted by the RDNO ($56,758.82);  to cover the cost of the Multi-Use Expansion Referendum Communications Campaign conducted by the City ($10,197.10);  for the purpose of developing a new parking lot in the area south of the Multi-Use Facility and adjacent to 43rd Avenue;  for the expansion of the Multi-Use Facility to the North as per the Agreement to Design, Build, Operate and Maintain Multi-Use Facility Expansion Infrastructure

 "the RDNO will make a single payment in the amount of $13,025,128 (plus GST is applicable) less statutory deductions to the City of Vernon upon receipt of the funds from the Municipal Finance Authority".

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