Friday, February 19, 2016

Arnold's election expenses

by Kate Bouey -CASTANET Feb 19, 2016 / 5:00 am
North Okanagan Shuswap MP Mel Arnold spent a whopping $94,836.41 during the Oct. 19 federal election campaign, but that was still less than half the $255,644.99 limit set by Elections Canada. Arnold went on to win the riding for the Conservatives, stepping into the shoes of fellow Tory Colin Mayes who retired after three terms in office. Elections Canada issued the information. Candidates' electoral campaign returns are public information. The data showed Arnold received $63,500 from the North Okanagan Shuswap Conservative Association war chest. He also received $10,553.64 from 48 contributors and spent $7,321.99 in personal expenses. Campaign expenses of the three other candidates in the riding, Liberal Cindy Derkaz, New Democrat Jacqui Gingras and the Green Party's Chris George are not yet available on the website. The deadline for submitting expenses is Feb. 19. Derkaz's official agent has requested a 30-day extension. "The 42nd general election was twice as long as the previous election," said Gord Adams. "The file I have on this is double the size of the last file." Adams said the Liberal campaign was more expensive than during the 2011 federal election "due to the length of the writ period."

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