Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Glass Plant Price Lowered

Posted on 2/2/2016 by Pete McIntyre 107.5 KISSFM
There is news on the former glass plant site in Lavington. Don Kassa of Remax is the real estate agent for the site owner Owens Illinois. "Just today I'm processing a new listing on the glass plant and we've reduced the list price from $9.7 million to $5 million," Kassa tells Kiss FM. Kassa says the 90 acre industrial site on Hill Drive has been off the market for two years, but the company has re-listed it and is dropping the price because it wants to sell it.
"There's over six acres of warehouse with a 25 foot high ceiling, with a railway spur beside it, so (it would be good) for any kind of manufacturing," says Kassa. The glass plant shut down in 2008 for economic reason, putting 300 people out of work.

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