Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Grise Fiord RCMP's only truck out of service

By Sima Sahar Zerehi, CBC News Posted: Feb 16, 2016 5:00 AM CT
Detachment to rely on snowmobiles, loaner vehicle from hamlet, until mechanic flies in
Suspects under arrest in Grise Fiord may have to walk to the detachment as the only RCMP truck in Canada's most northern civilian community is out of commission for at least the next week. "The car's inoperable," said Cpl. Terry Burns, the detachment commander in Grise Fiord. "There's been a grinding noise in the wheel and then what I think happened is the pin holding the axle must have broken and it let the axle come off, which basically released the wheel. So it was a snapped pin or something."

Grise Fiord map

Grise Fiord, Nunavut, located on the southern end of Ellesmere Island, is Canada's northernmost civilian community. Canadian Forces Station Alert is located on the northern end of the island. (Google)

Since the nearest mechanic is in Resolute, one and a half hours away by plane, putting the truck back on the road will not be easy. "The mechanic is supposed to come here next week to work on other vehicles in the hamlet, so we asked him if he could set aside [some time]," said Burns. But the mechanic is only one issue; getting the necessary parts into the hamlet is another problem. "There's a charter coming in Saturday. Hopefully we'll have the parts by then, so we'll only be down a week or so." The good news is that the patrol area is not that big. "The community is only 120 people so it's only a kilometre long. It's very small," said Burns.

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